I have spent too much time trying to explain what it is that liberals really want, and why Trump is a disaster. I rarely get a reply or an acknowledgment. It seems that most Trumper's minds (especially Fox News viewer's minds) are closed. Facts to most of them are irrelevant. Too many just pass along links to made-up debunked posts. F**k your feelings?
A Christian nation? Dems want to take everyone's guns away? The Second Amendment is an absolute right? LGBTQIA are deviants and undeserving of the same rights as others? Women are second class citizens who can't even make decisions about their own bodies?
Social Security is broken and in need of reform? Minorities are told to go back to their own countries (as if whites were not also immigrants)? Reps are fiscal conservatives (as if)? Universal healthcare coverage is a socialist plot?
The free market is inherently moral and self-correcting? Anti-pollution efforts are job-killing? Worker and consumer protections are evil leftist plots? Financial advisors do not have to put their client's interests first? Leftists are atheists?
Our budget woes are caused by entitlements and especially by Social Security (insurance which is separate by law and has its own revenue stream)? Tax cuts for the wealthy will trickle down onto us peons (pronounced PEE-ons)? It's okay for companies to pay so little that their employees need government assistance (a form of corporate welfare)?
On and on and on and on. Look us in the eye and tell us that you are a Native American. Tell us mass murders are a price of freedom. Explain how sex is binary. Tell us how our not wanting to be.(or inability to be) a corporate CEO or business owner or inheritor of vast wealth makes us undeserving of health care? Explain how our troubles making ends meet is a result of laziness or poor lifestyle choices. Tell us how unpatriotic we are when we think things can be improved, or when we protest injustices or the slaughter of innocents. Explain why the kidnapping and misplacing of people's children on our southern border for the misdemeanor offense of illegal border crossing is justified (never mind that people wanting asylum are legally allowed to cross). Any why migrant workers are not granted work Visas so they could just travel back and forth (oh, right, then employers would have to follow labor laws and pay more).
And mostly, tell us why you are complaining about "doctored pictures and insults" in a humor site dedicated to moderates and liberals?
A reply to a post comment (since removed) in
Blue Mayhem (Political Humor for Democrats and Progressives)
A Christian nation? Dems want to take everyone's guns away? The Second Amendment is an absolute right? LGBTQIA are deviants and undeserving of the same rights as others? Women are second class citizens who can't even make decisions about their own bodies?
Social Security is broken and in need of reform? Minorities are told to go back to their own countries (as if whites were not also immigrants)? Reps are fiscal conservatives (as if)? Universal healthcare coverage is a socialist plot?
The free market is inherently moral and self-correcting? Anti-pollution efforts are job-killing? Worker and consumer protections are evil leftist plots? Financial advisors do not have to put their client's interests first? Leftists are atheists?
Our budget woes are caused by entitlements and especially by Social Security (insurance which is separate by law and has its own revenue stream)? Tax cuts for the wealthy will trickle down onto us peons (pronounced PEE-ons)? It's okay for companies to pay so little that their employees need government assistance (a form of corporate welfare)?
On and on and on and on. Look us in the eye and tell us that you are a Native American. Tell us mass murders are a price of freedom. Explain how sex is binary. Tell us how our not wanting to be.(or inability to be) a corporate CEO or business owner or inheritor of vast wealth makes us undeserving of health care? Explain how our troubles making ends meet is a result of laziness or poor lifestyle choices. Tell us how unpatriotic we are when we think things can be improved, or when we protest injustices or the slaughter of innocents. Explain why the kidnapping and misplacing of people's children on our southern border for the misdemeanor offense of illegal border crossing is justified (never mind that people wanting asylum are legally allowed to cross). Any why migrant workers are not granted work Visas so they could just travel back and forth (oh, right, then employers would have to follow labor laws and pay more).
And mostly, tell us why you are complaining about "doctored pictures and insults" in a humor site dedicated to moderates and liberals?
A reply to a post comment (since removed) in
Blue Mayhem (Political Humor for Democrats and Progressives)