Don't let Republicans steal Social Security.
Republicans are ideologically opposed to Social Security because the financial sector doesn't make money on it. It is why they routinely try to implement privatization schemes. The GOP has been blocking routine adjustments to the tax rate and the income caps for decades. That is why Social Security has gone from being 100% funded for 75 years to only being 100% funded for 13 years and why the GOP says Social Security is going broke.
In the name of reform, the GOP has raised retirement ages. The only thing that did was slightly change the date that the $3 trillion Trust Fund is depleted (14 years from now), after which only 80% of benefits can be paid for the following 75 years.
Social Security is self-funded and separate from federal deficits and the National Debt.
Social Security is not a savings plan. It is retirement/disability/survivors insurance. The Trust Fund was built up in anticipation of Baby Boomers' retirements.
Congress did not steal the Trust Fund. Congress borrowed money, and Social Security bought a small part of that debt in the form of Treasury Bonds. The same bonds as those sold to fund the remainder of the $28.43 trillion National Debt. Those pesky paper IOUs in the Trust Fund are US Treasury Bonds that pay interest and are guaranteed.
Social Security has an administrative overhead of less than 2%. Republicans want to change that to 20% with privatization and profits (like healthcare insurance). And in the private sector, retirement funds can be lost or stolen.