Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Liberal World Order?

My response to a very old video with problems that have already been solved.

Biden inherited the mess; he didn't create it. And I hardly think Biden would ever claim that we are entering a "new liberal world order." That is just stupid. This is just misinformation and fear-mongering.

What would this new liberal order look like? Universal Healthcare without bankruptcies like most Western nations already have? Free higher education? Living wages? An independent judicial system that is not dependent on fines and court fees?

How about ending Debtor's Prison (criminal contempt of court when you can't pay what collection agencies demand)?

Fewer for-profit charter schools that teach whatever they want by people without any teaching credentials to students handpicked to exclude difficult (less-profitable) children? The charter system that leaves public schools with increased expenses with a budget that pays a set amount per pupil, now with fewer students?

How about that liberal idea of clean water, air, and soil?

Things like not making optional the upgrades needed to change the civil-war era braking systems on freight trains so more communities are not wiped off the map in preventable tragedies?

How about that liberal notion of letting people be themselves instead of trying to cram them into an inaccurate binary gender classification system?

An end to the sacrosanct modern revision of the Second Amendment so AR-15s are not in the hands of criminals and the mentally ill. (The militia referred to in the actual wording of the Second Amendment is today's National Guard.)

All of this gets lost when liberalism is defined by guns (Stand-Your-Ground, no restrictions), religion (freedom only for Christians), and abortion (the Fourteenth Amendment that underpins so many other rights having been declared irrelevant by today's Supreme Court).

Where does the third K go when spelling Kentucky?

Video: Time is short, the choice is yours

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Kennedy After-hours Floor Speech

A bizarre after-hours floor speech to an empty chamber by Senator John Neely Kennedy (R-LA)

My reaction?

OMG. Biden is responsible for inflation across the whole world! He's arranged for companies to have record profits while okaying their price gouging! He is ensuring companies keep subsidies and tax breaks even as they rake in the money!

Shame on Biden for blocking those leaky pipelines that would bring toxic tar sands from Canada to be refined here and sold abroad. He should have encouraged Canada to allow pipelines to cross their country to Canadian refineries on the western coast. Wasn't it clever of him to let refineries process Canadian oil just when our capacity to process our own oil dropped with those refinery fires? And the 5-year process of bringing back online refineries that were idled during the pandemic? Well, Biden must have arranged that during the Trump years.

High food prices? That has nothing to do with record profits by Tysen and others. Let's keep blaming the import shipping crisis.

And now we have those nasty people at the EPA burdening our suffering corporations with unnecessary paperwork. The Supreme Court gutting EPA's ability to regulate must have had no impact. Clean air, water, and soil? We don't need that wishy-washy feel-good liberal tree-hugging here in the land of unregulated capitalism!

I am curious how long ago this speech was given to the empty chamber during the record-speeches-for-constituencies portion of the day. Gas prices have since gone way back down. Ooh, Let's blame Biden for lower gas prices at the pump!

Me thinks this joker is blowing smoke up people's skirts. But what do I know? 😁