To: Speaker Boehner, Sen. McConnell, Rep. Cantor and Rep. Ryan:
As your constituent and a strong supporter of America's seniors and children, I am writing because I strongly disagree with deficit reduction proposals being put forth by the Republican leadership that would cut billions of dollars from Medicaid and shift the cost of Medicare onto seniors and the disabled.
I also oppose changes to Social Security, since the changes you have proposed will do absolutely nothing to reduce the national debt. If you really are serious about debt reduction, then end the "tax holiday" and stop putting general revenues into the Social Security Trust Fund. If you are at all serious, then raise the income cap for Social Security payroll taxes.
I would also urge Republicans to stop running up the national debt with corporate welfare and reduced taxes for the wealthy. It is time that capital gains and dividend income be taxed at regular income tax rates rather than at 15%. People doing actual work instead of sending their money out to do their work for them should not be taxed at a higher rate. It is time to take the rich man's hand out of the pockets of the poor and the middle class. It is time to wean the wealthy off of the government tit.
Your proposed cuts to vital services provided by Medicaid would have a devastating impact both on states AND on Medicaid enrollees. If your Medicaid cuts are put forth, it will impact funding for nursing home residents, forcing many seniors to be kicked out of their nursing homes. It would also eliminate access to quality health care for millions of children. It would have a significant and harmful effect on state economies and jobs.
If you really are serious about Medicare reform, you would allow negotiation on drug prices. Not endorsing this simple reform is tantamount to saying that you are bought and paid for by corporations.
Yes, we must address the national debt. But your efforts to make radical spending cuts without any revenue increases make no sense. Your proposals put jobs at risk, will increase poverty and hardship, and will eliminate access to quality, affordable health care for seniors, children, and people with disabilities.
At a time when we are still recovering from the economic recession, Americans want solutions that will help seniors, children, and the middle class. We do not want political posturing that will only hurt consumers. I urge Congress to reject the immoral Ayn Rand politics of greed and social irresponsibility, and instead find solutions that will make a real difference for American families.
As your constituent and a strong supporter of America's seniors and children, I am writing because I strongly disagree with deficit reduction proposals being put forth by the Republican leadership that would cut billions of dollars from Medicaid and shift the cost of Medicare onto seniors and the disabled.
I also oppose changes to Social Security, since the changes you have proposed will do absolutely nothing to reduce the national debt. If you really are serious about debt reduction, then end the "tax holiday" and stop putting general revenues into the Social Security Trust Fund. If you are at all serious, then raise the income cap for Social Security payroll taxes.
I would also urge Republicans to stop running up the national debt with corporate welfare and reduced taxes for the wealthy. It is time that capital gains and dividend income be taxed at regular income tax rates rather than at 15%. People doing actual work instead of sending their money out to do their work for them should not be taxed at a higher rate. It is time to take the rich man's hand out of the pockets of the poor and the middle class. It is time to wean the wealthy off of the government tit.
Your proposed cuts to vital services provided by Medicaid would have a devastating impact both on states AND on Medicaid enrollees. If your Medicaid cuts are put forth, it will impact funding for nursing home residents, forcing many seniors to be kicked out of their nursing homes. It would also eliminate access to quality health care for millions of children. It would have a significant and harmful effect on state economies and jobs.
If you really are serious about Medicare reform, you would allow negotiation on drug prices. Not endorsing this simple reform is tantamount to saying that you are bought and paid for by corporations.
Yes, we must address the national debt. But your efforts to make radical spending cuts without any revenue increases make no sense. Your proposals put jobs at risk, will increase poverty and hardship, and will eliminate access to quality, affordable health care for seniors, children, and people with disabilities.
At a time when we are still recovering from the economic recession, Americans want solutions that will help seniors, children, and the middle class. We do not want political posturing that will only hurt consumers. I urge Congress to reject the immoral Ayn Rand politics of greed and social irresponsibility, and instead find solutions that will make a real difference for American families.