Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A Word About The Conservatives' "Productive" Class

The conservatives' so-called "productive" class pays less of a percentage in taxes than the middle class. The "productive" class has sent jobs overseas, frozen wages for the middle class while sucking up increases in wealth, and shifted the burden of taxes even more onto the less wealthy.

The "productive" class has unleashed wave after wave of fiscal crises onto ordinary Americans with deregulation and elimination of protections which were in place since the Great Depression. The "productive" class has increased the costs of health care, decreased worker safety, decreased environmental protections, and decreased consumer protections. With the demise of labor unions, politicians chase corporate money, resulting in a de facto plutocracy.

The "productive" class cries about mythical freeloaders of a welfare state. They claim to be job producers, but have created very few jobs since 2001. At the same time, they have slashed income taxes, capital gains taxes, estate taxes, and dividend income taxes on the top wage earners, and have vigorously opposed attempts to slash corporate welfare. They consistently chose "free" trade over "fair" trade, forcing American workers to compete with laborers in third-world countries.

The Minnesota GOP has joined the national Republican party's politics of greed. Republicans want cuts in program after program, but are unwilling to agree to any proposed revenue fixes.

Now Minnesota Republicans want to continue Pawlenty's policy of short term fixes with long term costs. The tobacco bond funding scheme is just shifting debt to future years, as do the school aid shifts (Pawlenty got 1 billion from this so he could call his budget balanced). The GOP-controlled legislature is also busy shifting costs to counties and cities, including more cutting of Local Government Aid funds.

Republicans call immoral and lazy those to whom greed is a sin and who just want fair wages, reasonable health care, and retirement income which is not subject to Wall Street shenanigans. It is time to take the rich man's hand out of the poor man's pocket. It is time to oppose the politics of Ayn Rand, where selfishness is king and social responsibility is anathema.