Saturday, February 24, 2018

Vote against ADA - HR 620

😠 The following opinion has been submitted by me to my House "representative" in D.C.
To: Collin Peterson (D-MN7):
Message Subject: Vote against ADA - HR 620
Message Text:
Is there some reason that you want to gut the ADA? Do you think that businesses are going to provide access to the handicapped (employees or customers) out of the goodness of their hearts? Are you that naive? The rationale behind HR 620 is that it protects against frivolous lawsuits. That is stupid; the ADA only provides for legal fees and injunctive (corrective) relief.

I assume you are not stupid. So why in the world would you make it harder for people to get relief under the ADA? Are you really a Republican member of the GOP (Greed Over People)? Do you think the disabled should just roll over and die so they don't inconvenience anyone? Is this part of the effort to discriminate against women, blacks, LGBT, and non-Christians and to make it legal for companies to impose their "convenient" cherry-picked religious beliefs on people?

How long are you going to deny the voters in your district from having a choice at the polls? A vote between a Democrat In Name Only and a Republican is no choice at all. I am consistently disgusted by your actions. The GOP is all about "individual responsibility" and zero belief in "social responsibility" and for you to constantly align yourself with the party of selfishness, greed, and immorality astounds me. Grow up!

The GOP Wants To Gut The Americans With Disabilities Act