Sunday, November 25, 2018

God, capitalism, guns, Republicans

Commenter: Thank God for capitalism, guns and the Republican party.

Response: Guns? Ever hear the full Second Amendment? Why do 2nd Amendment people think that one untrained person is a well regulated militia? Ever hear of a State National Guard? Now that's a militia.

As for God, I didn't realize that after Jesus came on the scene that he/she required followers to insult, humiliate, physically harm and discriminate against LGBT, Mexicans, women, Democratic Socialists (capitalism plus socialism), disabled, elderly, sick people, non-Christians, etc. And if you are going to go Old Testament, then you have most certainly been sinning.

As for Republicans, everything we have seen from them is just lies, excuses, gerrymandering, voter suppression, discrimination, condescension, and biasing of laws to favor the rich and large corporations at the expense of small business and the 99%.

How's that big pay raise after the huge corporate tax cut doing for you? Able to afford a one-year membership at Costco, yet?

Finally, do you really want a nanny state regulating our bedrooms, our bodies, and our individual freedoms, which for some reason Republicans like along with their "inherently moral" free markets?