Thursday, May 30, 2019

Double Standards

Why is it okay for Trump and company to ignore laws regarding non-governmental phones and servers, backchannels, records of meetings, etc.? Why is it okay to lock up Democrats for doing any of those things?

Because liberals must be defeated at any cost. Because liberals are tax and spend socialists who hate capitalism and are evil do-gooders who are against law and order and whiteness.

Liberals who will abort fetuses up to the day before birth. Who think that hard-working billionaires should not be taxed at zero even though they are the job creators and innovators.

Who don't believe that health care is only for people with money who have not brought their illnesses on themselves with their self-indulgent poor lifestyles. Who think that the rich should pay more than $28,000 into Social Security per year and who advocate entitlements that guarantee dependency on the government tit.

Who think that it is right to make laws for businesses; laws that interfere with the freedom to make money on every aspect of life. Because liberals don't like the rich man's hand in the poor man's pocket.

Or at least this is why I think they think it is okay to have a separate set of standards for themselves versus others. I could be wrong, you know?

Newsweek: Jared Kushner, Donald Trump Broke The Law By Meeting Saudis, Putin, Kim Off The Record: Watchdogs