Work like your neighbor? At what, stealing from poor people? Making sure employees don't have purchasing power? Trashing companies by relentless cost-cutting while ruining companies' manufacturing standards? Paying a minuscule percentage of income for Social Security compared to employees? Convincing rich congresspeople to cut taxes on the rich (who don't need tax cuts) even more? I know, let us poor people send our non-existent money to work so it too can be taxed at a lesser rate than a working man's sweat.
So if I don't want to or can't be a CEO/CFO/Manager/Owner, then I should just work three jobs, all part-time, so that I cannot get company benefits including health insurance? And why are we forcing companies to pay for health insurance while competing with foreign companies in countries with universal health care? (What an incentive to screw employees on coverage.)
Why do we have the most expensive and unaffordable health care system (hint: for-profit)? BTW, tell me how many hospitals, clinics, labs, etc., will be nationalized by universal health care coverage? That is what a takeover of health care is. Universal health care means single-payer, not single-owner.
Can I get a government servant between myself and my doctor rather than a private company insurance executive who is looking for ways to not pay claims?
Why don't you start in with lies about Social Security while you are at it? In the red? Going broke? Needing reform? Trust Fund stolen by Congress? (Yeah, those interest-bearing Treasury Bonds are legal theft, right? Tell that to Grandma and the Chinese.) What happened to tweaking payroll taxes or tweaking salary caps or routine retirement/disability allocation adjustments? Raising retirement ages or cutting benefits will only change the date that the Trust Fund zeroes out (2034); there is absolutely no effect on the federal budget deficits and the National Debt. If you disagree with this, explain it to me.
Just trying to trash Social Security, the most successful government program ever, eh? Cause it's not for-profit? Let's go back to Poorhouses and 50% senior poverty, because retirement/disability insurance is just socialism, right?
Medicare-For-All? With its 20% copays and no coverage for Vision/Hearing/Dental (which most elderly need)? No thanks.
Radical conservatism is a sick, selfish, toxic ideology. Freedom for companies? To pollute, discriminate, cheat, steal, lie, maim and kill? Meanwhile, our freedoms are being eroded. Since when did sexuality become binary? Only one gene difference? I don't think so.
BTW, we are not a Christian nation. We are a freedom-of-religion nation. Or we were. Don't like gay marriage? Then don't marry someone of the opposite sex. Don't like Latinos or blacks or Asians or Buddhists or atheists? Don't become one. But keep your pretend morality out of commerce and away from our nation's laws.
Keep your laws out of my bedroom. Take the rich man's hands out of the pockets of the poor. Keep your discriminatory, racist, ageist, elitist, fascist, sexist, anti-health, for-pollution, anti-integrity, anti-environmentalist, anti-gun safety, anti-religious freedom, anti-fairness amoral convictions away from those of us who actually care about our fellow human beings.
So if I don't want to or can't be a CEO/CFO/Manager/Owner, then I should just work three jobs, all part-time, so that I cannot get company benefits including health insurance? And why are we forcing companies to pay for health insurance while competing with foreign companies in countries with universal health care? (What an incentive to screw employees on coverage.)
Why do we have the most expensive and unaffordable health care system (hint: for-profit)? BTW, tell me how many hospitals, clinics, labs, etc., will be nationalized by universal health care coverage? That is what a takeover of health care is. Universal health care means single-payer, not single-owner.
Can I get a government servant between myself and my doctor rather than a private company insurance executive who is looking for ways to not pay claims?
Why don't you start in with lies about Social Security while you are at it? In the red? Going broke? Needing reform? Trust Fund stolen by Congress? (Yeah, those interest-bearing Treasury Bonds are legal theft, right? Tell that to Grandma and the Chinese.) What happened to tweaking payroll taxes or tweaking salary caps or routine retirement/disability allocation adjustments? Raising retirement ages or cutting benefits will only change the date that the Trust Fund zeroes out (2034); there is absolutely no effect on the federal budget deficits and the National Debt. If you disagree with this, explain it to me.
Just trying to trash Social Security, the most successful government program ever, eh? Cause it's not for-profit? Let's go back to Poorhouses and 50% senior poverty, because retirement/disability insurance is just socialism, right?
Medicare-For-All? With its 20% copays and no coverage for Vision/Hearing/Dental (which most elderly need)? No thanks.
Radical conservatism is a sick, selfish, toxic ideology. Freedom for companies? To pollute, discriminate, cheat, steal, lie, maim and kill? Meanwhile, our freedoms are being eroded. Since when did sexuality become binary? Only one gene difference? I don't think so.
BTW, we are not a Christian nation. We are a freedom-of-religion nation. Or we were. Don't like gay marriage? Then don't marry someone of the opposite sex. Don't like Latinos or blacks or Asians or Buddhists or atheists? Don't become one. But keep your pretend morality out of commerce and away from our nation's laws.
Keep your laws out of my bedroom. Take the rich man's hands out of the pockets of the poor. Keep your discriminatory, racist, ageist, elitist, fascist, sexist, anti-health, for-pollution, anti-integrity, anti-environmentalist, anti-gun safety, anti-religious freedom, anti-fairness amoral convictions away from those of us who actually care about our fellow human beings.