Sunday, December 29, 2019

$300k for a Barista Career? 😆

From the comments section of this post (read and replied to using a mobile android device):

Mark Twain Joke [I was educated once. It took me years to get over it.]

Comment from Chuck Wolfe:
...I have absolutely no problem with someone who can afford to spend $200-300k to get a BA degree, in the process, learning how to make coffee in anticipation of a Barista career. I just don't think it's wise for that person to expect taxpayer bailout of their student loan debt.
My response:
How would a barista pay off $300K?
Working 12 hour days, 7 days a week, at $15/hour, 1.5X for OT, living in parents basement for less than 4 years!
What employer would ever allow those kind[sic] of hours and that much overtime? That's not even saying anything about being paid that kind of hourly wage or the likelihood of that much in student loans for a BA. And the parents? Four years of having their college-graduate son sponge off of them? What world are you living in where you think this is realistic? And heaven help him if he falls in love or gets married. 
...or if the son falls ill, has an injury, and has high medical bills for the not-covered expenses. Insurance premiums, co-pays, limits, deductibles... Have preexisting conditions? Vision, hearing, or dental expenses? How about if you lose your cushy barista job and have to work two or three jobs? McDonald's paychecks, logistics of juggling three jobs. All while you have those massive student loan debt payments to make? Welcome to America, where the wealthy think people are lazy and their problems are because of poor lifestyle choices. Where medical insurance is available only after a probationary period and only for full-time workers 
The rich don't want their "hard-won" income going to little people (you know, the people who do the actual work). Pay poverty wages and claim it's poor people's fault. Make employees desperate enough to have to get assistance. The employer thinks those people are mooche3rs[sic] when he is the one getting the benefrits[sic] of low pay. That is corporate welfare. 
Got the picture yet?

Mark Twain Joke

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Thoughts for Doubters of Trump's Crimes

You make it sound as if there were no other people listening to the call. Or reports they made to their superiors. Or the White House's own (doctored) transcripts. Or the repeated actions of the Chief Moron doing everything by the seat of his pants because he does not listen to advisors and is ignorant by choice and does not even understand the Constitution or his role as president. Or the obviously blatant lies told repeatedly by Trump and his enablers. Or all of the scrambling done by aides to block or coverup or explain away the inexplicable.  If Pence becomes president there will be a revolution!
Don't people realize it's a coup? By definition, a coup designed to put the opposition in power! Beware! There will be a revolution if Pence takes power! Giving Pence the presidency is what Democrats have been fighting for all these years! It's a witch hunt! No witches have been found! Just lots of indictments and convictions of the people surrounding Trump. But no witches!
Don't like the major crime? How about the thousands of misdemeanors? How about tons of evidence and lots of indictments and convictions of his campaign staff? But keep using the "Hillary Card." No, look over there! There's Biden doing something! There's Hillary or Obama or other nasty people doing something! There's a deep state coverup involving every single intelligence agency in the US federal government! It's a coup and a witch hunt! Oh, please. Get a life.