You make it sound as if there were no other people listening to the call. Or reports they made to their superiors. Or the White House's own (doctored) transcripts. Or the repeated actions of the Chief Moron doing everything by the seat of his pants because he does not listen to advisors and is ignorant by choice and does not even understand the Constitution or his role as president. Or the obviously blatant lies told repeatedly by Trump and his enablers. Or all of the scrambling done by aides to block or coverup or explain away the inexplicable. If Pence becomes president there will be a revolution!
Don't people realize it's a coup? By definition, a coup designed to put the opposition in power! Beware! There will be a revolution if Pence takes power! Giving Pence the presidency is what Democrats have been fighting for all these years! It's a witch hunt! No witches have been found! Just lots of indictments and convictions of the people surrounding Trump. But no witches!Don't like the major crime? How about the thousands of misdemeanors? How about tons of evidence and lots of indictments and convictions of his campaign staff? But keep using the "Hillary Card." No, look over there! There's Biden doing something! There's Hillary or Obama or other nasty people doing something! There's a deep state coverup involving every single intelligence agency in the US federal government! It's a coup and a witch hunt! Oh, please. Get a life.