Corporations and the wealthy have spent years removing all barriers to imports and offshore manufacturing. Many imported goods aren't manufactured to the same legal standards as domestic goods, which is unfair competition.
Even wage standards for workers are not the same, and most foreign companies do not have to provide health care coverage for their employees. Either they don't bother, or their countries (like most western industrialized nations) have some form of universal healthcare.
The cheap extraction by US companies of foreign resources often leaves behind huge messes.
The US no longer protects most domestic production from unfair competition, and corporations reap huge profits from this.
Good luck with leveling the playing field in this era of globalization. We have become an oligarchy (control is exercised by a small group of individuals whose authority is generally based on wealth or power), resulting in unfettered capitalism.
The GOP mostly achieved their goal of destroying unions, and now Democrats and Republicans both rely mainly on corporate and wealthy donors.
It's a mad, mad world.
Of course, this is just my opinion. 😥