Saturday, May 25, 2024

Deists, Not Christians

The Founding Fathers were Deists, not Christians. They fought against state-sponsored religion (especially The Church of England). Nowhere in The Constitution is there anything about Christianity, Jesus, sins, an afterlife, etc. 

Freedom of Religion is in the Bill of Rights. You are allowed your religion. You are not allowed to impose it on others. 

You want a theocracy? There are plenty of Fascist, autocratic, theocratic countries you can move to. You want to ban books? Go there. You want a preacher standing between a person and their doctor? Go there. You want to execute people for not following YOUR religious beliefs? Go there. 

You want to worship an antiChrist? Go there. You want to invade peaceful countries and spread lies as justification? Go there. You want to arrest and try opposition leaders who have not had evidence presented to and indictments issued from Grand Juries? Go there. 

You want to lie about scientists proving that zygotes or fetuses are human just after conception? (Hint: they proved that zygotes and fetuses have human DNA. Not that they were people.) Argue and shove your religion down your fellow "Christian" brethren's throats; I'm sure all the myriad of other Christian sects will choose to follow YOUR beliefs. 

Take your Christian Nationalists out behind your Churches and hold barbeques with them and listen to them endorse a lying, cheating, con artist who mangles sentences, gets basic facts wrong, mispronounces words, and claims he can hear one fact about a subject and suddenly be the world's smartest man on that subject. (He said, "That's the way my whatever works," while pointing to his head.)

Go ahead, we are waiting.

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