Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Our New Supreme Court and The Constitution

Malfeasance by our Supreme Court. Denying the people's right to "promotion of the general welfare," i.e., the concern of the government for the health, peace, morality, and safety of its citizens. The part in the preamble of The Constitution which is anti-Republican.

Health is not just health care, it is also things such as pollution prevention and mitigating the effects of Climate Change.

Peace and safety does not mean building a huge military and encouraging adventurism.

Safety as in sane gun laws, especially for all those people who are not members of a "well regulated Militia" such as the National Guard.

Morality means not cheating, fleecing, lying, stealing. It does not mean imposing religious edicts on citizens.

From Vox.com: The Supreme Court stepped in to stall a climate lawsuit. That’s really weird.