Friday, October 12, 2018

This Modern Utopia

I don't want a Republican between me and my lover, just like I don't want a for-profit insurance company between me and my doctor. But hey, with regulations and oversight and accountability and ethics disappearing, I won't have time to worry about that while I am worried about having a living income, having affordable health care, being safe, having clean water and air and soil, a safe retirement income, and lead-free schools.

But I will be a model citizen. In this modern radical conservative utopia, in order to fulfill my societal obligations, I will give up my religion, disown people of color, agree to for-profit justice, for-profit prisons, wild west gun laws, unregulated for-profit schools, unregulated markets, and let corporations write the laws for their own benefit.

I will listen to people judge me for not being rich and will let them explain to me that my stagnant income and lousy or non-existent benefits are not because the wealthy don't pay enough, but because it is their money and I should not try to take it out of their pockets like they are taking it out of mine. I will listen as the elitists tell me I have health problems and an inability to treat them because I have made immoral or idiotic lifestyle choices including having a pre-existing condition or being the wrong gender.

I will stand by and wave while the White Nationalists and Nazi-wannabes march. I will stand meekly while there is gerrymandering, purging of voter rolls, requirements for photo ID's to correct a problem that doesn't exist, limited numbers of voting booths and voting hours in less privileged areas, unlimited money for elections and the ability of the wealthy and large corporations to buy politicians and elections both nationally and state-by-state.

I will not complain if my company has been bought and the new owners sold off the pensions, thus cutting drastically my retirement income. I will give up my blood for testing for drugs while politicians on the public dime are exempt. I will just stand by as we return to the era of back-door abortions and dead women, robber barons, sawdust in hot dogs, rivers catching fire, and being fired because I can't do my job without the limb I lost while working on that job.

Cigarettes are good for me, lead and arsenic are both natural substances, pot is a severely addictive narcotic, and great will be the return of poorhouses where the destitute elderly beg for medicine and food and heat and are kept away from the public eye.

I will be part of the nanny state that regulates and limits consensual behaviors and the sanctity of my body. I will give up my home so a company can build on that great location and be good generators of taxes 20 years from now when their agreement with the city expires. And I will understand that companies, for our own good and for the advancement of capitalism, place their enlightened interests above the interests of consumers, neighbors, voters, indigenous people, workers, women, children, people of color, and the elderly and the poor and the disabled.

I will not laugh as our lawmakers spout nonsense and disproven theories, explaining to us how victims of rape cannot get pregnant, climate change is a Chinese hoax, being gay is a choice, trickle-down works, cutting Social Security will help balance the budget, and universal healthcare that most western industrialized nations have had for years and decades won't work. Just because we are the wealthiest nation on Earth doesn't mean we can afford more than a third-world health care system.

And now, a tear threatens to fall from my eye as I listen to those sacred words, "We The Corporations hereby establish this plutocratic system of government of the Corporations, by the Corporations, and for the Corporations in order to insure the peace and comfort and segregation of the wealthy from the grubby little people."