Just stoke the fears of "conservatives" and all of this doesn't matter to them. Pretend the southern border is being overrun. Pretend immigrants have a much higher crime rate. Pretend there are drug dealers and murderers and rapists streaming across the border. Pretend a wall along one border would be effective. Pretend that almost 4000 potential terrorists were stopped at the border rather than at airports.
Then don't pay border patrol agents and airport security and the coast guard and the secret service and 800,000 other federal employees with a government shutdown, all to get funding for an ineffective wall that two years of a Republican House and a Republican Senate could not produce. Scuttle a bipartisan continuing resolution on the very last day of a congressional session just before the holiday recess and just before Democrats are due to take over the House. Then blame Democrats for a shutdown that Trump said he would "own."
Believe the lie that the GOP is the party of fiscal conservatives. Believe the lie that self-funded Social Security is part of the budget and that cutting benefits would affect the federal budget and the National Debt. Believe the lie that people are inherently lazy and lead immoral lifestyles and don't deserve health care. Believe the lie that Climate Change is a hoax. Believe that the founding fathers wanted a Christian nation. Believe that corporations have equal rights rather than just economic rights. Believe the lie that businesses will self-regulate and that workers and consumers and people who breath will not be hurt by trashing the EPA. Disregard science at every turn. Embrace Russia and other authoritarian regimes. Direct your anger at other citizens because of their differences from you. Pretend that the Second Amendment says nothing about militias. Believe that human sexuality is binary rather than a biological spectrum, and believe that gay marriage threatens heterosexual marriage. Believe that the GOP is the party of GOD and family values. Believe that only individual responsibility counts and social responsibility does not exist; I've got mine, too bad for you. Believe that women and minorities and the disabled are second class citizens not deserving of the same protections that white males have. Cheer on Nazi marchers and the KKK.
Keep believing all the lies. Believe nothing else but an ineffective wall is the solution and nothing else matters. Believe all of this as our democracy is being flushed down the toilet.