Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Protect our Borders

To make a border wall truly effective, one would have to have two fences with a no-man's land between them, and enough guard towers with machine guns to cover the no-man's land. Nobody should be able to throw drugs or defective weapons across this moat. Then we must blockade both of our coasts, and build a wall along the northern border. That should keep everyone from entering or exiting from Mexico and Canada. We must stop the invasion of Canadians who are fleeing their socialist universal no-profit free healthcare. We must shoot down any unauthorized drones or planes or boats or submarines crossing those borders, and fully inspect planes and boats that are supposedly authorized. We must monitor the ground for any attempts to tunnel under the walls. We must have tamperproof national IDs that everyone must carry and that must be presented for inspection whenever an official asks to see it or whenever entering a government building. No-one should be exempt from stop-and-frisk laws. We must stop allowing uninspected diplomatic pouches through the borders. We must check more than the current 3% of incoming cargo containers. We need to weaponize space so that incoming missiles or planes can be hit from both the land and from the skies. We must detain suspected criminals and rapists and murderers and illegal immigrants and people who don't speak the national language and drug smugglers and homeless people and evil atheists in camps across America. We must coordinate with Russia to defend against threats from the EU and other socialist countries. Anyone with head coverings will be charged. Everyone must carry firearms to protect against domestic terrorists. Social media and mainstream media must be monitored and censored to stop the recruitment and planning and spreading of subversive ideas by enemies of the state. The president must declare martial law and must be unfettered in his authority to use whatever means are necessary to protect us from foreign immigrants, foreign laborers who are taking our agricultural jobs away from us, from nasty drugs smuggled inside people, and from other countries who are trying to make a profit from our weapons purchases.

We must have never-ending peace and safety and capitalism.