Thursday, April 16, 2020

Our US Government, Trump, And COVID-19

The coronavirus has been renamed by Trump as "the Chinese Virus." His administration is now following the organizational principles and methods as listed in the dystopian novel "1984." Our current President, Donald "The Don" Trump, demonstrating the transparency and accountability and ethical standards of the Republican Party and its leader. 

Our president is a self-professed authority on viruses but doesn't know the difference between a virus and a bacterium. He is a braggart who insists on heading the Coronavirus daily informational briefings to deliver self-praise, accusations, denials, massive misinformation, admonishments, threats, insults, assignments of blame (to anyone but himself), alternate histories, racism, and propaganda.

Who, at these briefings, also gives repeated endorsements of a dangerous "cure" that has not been shown to work and which he and his family have monetary interests in. "What have you got to lose?" he asks, ignoring the fact that his cure is more likely to kill or harm than the virus itself. 

Who brags about his viewership ratings for the briefings on a pandemic that is killing tens of thousands of Americans. Who is more concerned about the economy than the dangers to the public. Who accuses healthcare workers of stealing supplies instead of admitting that there is a shortage of supplies. 

Trump is a person who does not understand what free speech means, what his duties under the constitution are, what bipartisanship is, what the meaning is of separation of powers and co-equal branches of government, what the limits on his "absolute" power are, what the role of advisors and experts is (especially as he thinks he is more knowledgeable), nor what responsibility and accountability mean. 

He is a person who gives disjointed, rambling and incoherent interviews, and who has trouble spelling and sometimes speaking. Who calls the press, "The enemy of the people," and declares that they should be nice and be positive and not ask the tough questions that are an integral part of their role as journalists in a "free" democracy. 

Trump, a man who admires and seeks to emulate dictators of authoritarian regimes. Who repeatedly spreads lies and hate and personal attacks on his Twitter account, the account that his administration has denoted as Official White House Correspondence. 

An ignorant man whose every falsehood is restated or spun or justified by his staff, who even go so far as to try to alter public postings or records to accommodate his lies. A man who continuously denies saying or doing things even when there are video and audio proofs of his actions. 

Who retaliates against anyone who disagrees with him or who tries to reveal his schemes and misdeeds. Trump, the President of the United States, seeking immunity from consequences and accountability.

Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States. A psychopathic narcissist with a cult following.