Wednesday, April 15, 2020

R.I.P. GOP? Don't Count On It

2008 - RIP GOP (Stock Market crash, Housing Market crash). Obama elected president. Then followed two years of Sen. Mitch McConnell's "Just Say No" campaign to make Obama a one-term president.

In March of 2010 the Republican health care plan, RomneyCare rolled out nationwide as the ACA. Not a single Republican voted for it (despite 170+ changes that they insisted on), and it was derided as a socialist scheme they called ObamaCare. In the fall 2010 elections Republicans ran on the platform that the Democrats could not fix the economy and that the GOP was the answer.

The GOP was revived in the House and Senate and spent the next 6 years trying to kill the ACA and trying to hamstring every effort to revive the economy while blaming it on Obama.

Obama spent those six years overcoming the GOP's continued efforts to block everything they could while continuing with McConnell's "Just Say No" campaign. Yearly deficits went from $1,413 billion in 2009 down to $585 b in 2016.

Trump's first year the deficit went up to $665 b. Last year's deficit was up to $987 b. 2020's deficit had been projected to be $1,083 b, but will now be much, much higher. The Coronavirus Relief Bill already passed will mostly benefit wealthy corporations and the 1%.

The GOP will be telling all sorts of lies in the next election, and even if they lose (Democratic fraud!), their spinmasters will make sure the GOP party is revived.