Saturday, August 8, 2020

Conservative Democrat?

Alycia Gruenhagen. "Conservative Democrat." "Freedom-loving, patriotic, pro-life, pro-2nd amendment[sic]." 

Can you say, Republican? There are three candidates running for the U.S. House District MN-7. All are Republicans masquerading as Democrats. This is known as depriving voters of a choice at the ballot box. I would rather vote for a losing Democrat than a winning Republican calling themselves a Democrat. The radical conservatives have been perfecting voter suppression for years, and this is one more tactic in a long list of tactics.

I have followed "Conservative Democrat" Collin Peterson's voting for years. I have seen him vote for countless Republican bills with titles that are in direct opposition to the bills' contents. Two more "conservative Democrats" to choose from are two too many.

As a conservative, I'm sure you are all in favor of the recent shakeup at the USPS designed to slow down mail. I guess you would be in favor of the type of election we had in 2016, which your Commander-In-Thief said had 3 million illegal votes (people voting, leaving, returning wearing a mustache or hat, and voting again). He wanted to dispute the popular vote? Will he now claim fraud because of mail-in ballots if he loses in 2020? Tell him to make up his mind.

Do you know what it means to be a "conservative"? Do you pretend to be a fiscal conservative just like the bogus Republican claims?

This is what it means to be a conservative.

The Second Amendment is an absolute right. (How convenient to ignore the militia clause in the Second Amendment. Any drunk with a machine gun constitutes a militia.)

Global Climate Change is a hoax. (Do you know the difference between weather and climate? Do you even believe in science?)

Making Churches/Mosques/Synagogues tax-exempt is not a law regarding religion. (You don't want them to be tax-exempt on the basis of being a charity or an educational institution?)

Gay marriage is wrong. (Then don't marry someone of the same sex.) Regulations on businesses and corporations are wrong. (Then stop regulating against same-sex marriages and regulating women's bodies.) Better check people's DNA as they enter public bathrooms. LGBTQIA are deviants and undeserving of the same rights as others. 

Gender is not a continuum. People who are asexual are faking it. People with both sex organs are science fiction. Only one gene regulates gender. (How would you feel if straight sex was outlawed?)

We are a Christian nation. Dems want to take everyone's guns away. Women are second class citizens who shouldn't be allowed to make decisions about their own bodies. 

Conservatives are pro-life. (Pro-fetus, yes. After that, forget it.) COVID-19 is just the flu. 150,000 dead people are okay as long as the freedom to ignore public health guidelines such as social distancing and masks is not infringed. (Yeah, that's real pro-life. So much for Terri Schiavo.) 

Social Security is broken and in need of reform. Minorities should go back to their own countries (as if whites were not also immigrants)? Republicans are fiscal conservatives. 

Universal healthcare coverage is a socialist plot. (Do you even know the difference between socialism, communism, and fascism? Or what Democratic Socialism is? Hint: it's not anti-capitalism.)

The free market is inherently moral and self-correcting. Anti-pollution efforts are job-killing. Worker and consumer protections are evil anti-capitalist anti-profit plots. Financial advisors do not have to put their client's interests first. Leftists are amoral atheists.

Our budget woes are caused by entitlements and especially by Social Security. (Except that it is insurance which is separate by law and has its own revenue stream. BTW, those interest-bearing U.S. Treasury Bonds in the Trust Fund are not instruments of theft.)

Tax cuts for the wealthy will trickle down onto the peons (pronounced PEE-ons). It's okay for companies to pay so little that their employees need government assistance (a form of corporate welfare). One out of five major corporations paying zero in federal taxes is okay.

Maybe conservatives should be for Medicare for All. With its premiums, deductibles, restrictions, co-pays, doughnut holes, no coverage for Vision/Hearing/Dental, and a ban on negotiating drug prices. Or maybe just no Medicare at all. (Most western industrial western nations have some form of universal healthcare, with a combined population greater than the U.S.) 

We should allow an insurance representative between ourselves and a doctor. (Oh, sorry, that procedure is experimental. Sorry, you didn't disclose that you had acne as a kid, even though it was outside of the 10-year history we asked for. Oh, sorry, we deny a large percentage of claims with bogus reasons in the hope that you won't argue even if you are healthy enough. For-profit health insurance is great for healthy people.)

And here are a few other conservative choices. Student debt, myths about welfare queens, medical coupons masquerading as insurance, suspending children because they dared to reveal the lack of COVID protections in their schools, private prisons, for-profit courts, debtor's prisons ("Can't pay that? Oh, Contempt of Court and jail.").

Conservative lies just go on and on and on and on. Look us in the eye and tell us that you are a Native American or that treaties with indigenous people are meaningless. Tell us mass murders are a price of freedom. Explain how sex is binary. Tell us how our not wanting to be (or inability to be) a corporate CEO or business owner or hedge fund manager or inheritor of vast wealth makes us undeserving of health care. 

Explain how our troubles making ends meet is a result of laziness or poor lifestyle choices. Tell us how unpatriotic we are when we think things can be improved, or when we protest injustices or the slaughter of innocents. 

Explain why the kidnapping and misplacing of people's children on our southern border for the misdemeanor offense of illegal border crossing is justified (never mind that people wanting asylum are legally allowed to cross). And why migrant workers are not granted work Visas so they could just travel back and forth (oh, right, then employers would have to follow labor laws and pay more).

Conservative Democrat? And you want us to believe you?