Violent crime dropped somewhere between 51% and 71% (FBI vs BJS) from 1993 to 2018. It rose between 2004 & 2006 and again between 2014-2016. So it fell for 6 of the 8 years of the Obama presidency. Ooh, but it rose for two years. The bum.
In 2019, El Paso (a border city) remained one of the safest cities in the United States. However, in 2018 22 people were killed in a massacre perpetrated by a white supremacist, doubling the annual number of homicides. As for undocumented immigrants, they are less likely to commit violent crimes than U.S. citizens, no matter what lies Trump would have you believe.
As for the First Step Act, while sentence reductions have been approved by judges, the Department of Justice (DOJ - part of Trump's administration) has attempted to block hundreds of eligible beneficiaries. The First Step Act was years in the making, and clarifies an act passed in 2010. The First Step Act was passed by Congress; Trump merely signed it. One signature versus active administration actions against the Act.
Trump signed a bill making CBD and Hemp legal? It was part of the 2018 Farm bill, and CBD is a derivative of low-THC hemp. It also only removed them from the definition of marijuana in the CSA. But CBD remains under the purview of the FDA, and in interstate commerce the FD&C Act (Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act) makes transportation across state lines illegal. Again these are low THC derivatives, THC being the component which gives people a high. And the FDA has only approved limited use of one CBD drug for medicinal use, which also prohibits it from being added to food products. I hardly think Trump would have vetoed the Farm Bill over the inclusion of the low-THC hemp provision. Counting this as an accomplishment is a farce. It's not like he legalized marijuana.
"Trump signed a law to make cruelty to animals a federal felony so that animal abusers face tougher consequences." The Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture Act (PACT) is a bipartisan initiative that bans the intentional crushing, burning, drowning, suffocating, impalement or other serious harm to "living non-human mammals, birds, reptiles, or amphibians." But all states already had laws prohibiting cruelty; the legislation merely made it easier to prosecute across state lines. Again, this was a bipartisan Act passed by Congress, hardly an accomplishment, especially since Trump only works with one party, not both. His influence in passing the act was not present; he merely signed it.
"Trump’s EPA gave $100 million to fix the water infrastructure problem in Flint, Michigan." The Environmental Protection Agency fixing an infrastructure problem. Let's ignore the vast majority of the current EPA's agenda - removing regulations protecting our air, water, and soil so that businesses can ramp up pollution in the name of profits. That action was to protect people from a man-made problem in a highly publicized scandal.
"Under Trump’s leadership, in 2018 the U.S. surpassed Russia and Saudi Arabia to become the world’s largest producer of crude oil." Oil production has been rising steadily since 2009, and the U.S. became the world's leading producer of natural gas that same year. What Trump's administration did was to relax rules, one of which was designed to limit methane pollution from oil and gas wells, and to implement the 2017 tax law which allows oil drilling in parts of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Trump's leadership is in destructive acts, not constructive ones. The petrochemical plant he toured was planned in 2012, not during his term. His trade battles have limited energy exports, including to China. Any increases in production are in spite of his efforts, not because of.
"Trump signed a law ending the gag orders on Pharmacists that prevented them from sharing money-saving information." Once again, just a signature on a bill passed by Congress. The Senate passed it 98-2. Should Trump have vetoed it? Sure, let's let his signature count as an accomplishment.
"Low-wage workers are benefiting from higher minimum wages and from corporations that are increasing entry-level pay." State minimum wages. Federal minimum wages have not changed since 2009. Office of Management and Budget opposed a House-passed bill that would more than double the U.S. base wage to $15; it did not get by the Senate. Republicans have long opposed minimum wage increases, and have even proposed eliminating them. Trump taking credit for this is laughable. Just like his taking credit for an economy that he inherited. That's like blaming Obama for the 2008 stock-market and housing market crash. Just because Obama was elected in 2008 does not make it his recession.
Shall I go on?
If you really want to check out Trump's accomplishments, read transcripts of any of his off-the-cuff speeches and interviews. The man is a moron, hates briefings, lies constantly, doesn't read much, spews hate and racism, calls the press the enemy of the people, loves fascist and communist regimes and their leaders, orders departments to withhold aid from Democrat-led states and cities, doesn't recognize US territories as a legitimate part of our country (too many brown people), and has only accomplished his wall in the sense that most countries are now prohibiting travel to and from the US due to his mismanagement of COVID-19.
He has installed incompetent people as heads of departments whose main goals are the trashing of their agencies. He regularly insults people and calls them names, insulting their ethnicity, their perceived origins, and in general acts like a potty-mouthed child. His word means nothing. His promises of cheaper, better health care coverage that will cover everyone? Not even a plan for it. Instead, he is fighting the ACA every chance he gets. Oh, boo-hoo, a Republican Health Coverage Plan (RomneyCare) with 170 changes that the GOP demanded, yet signed by not one single Republican. Their own health care plan. The ACA. Not even a public option. And no, it didn't pass the Senate with 60 votes because the Democrats never had that super-majority because my Senator couldn't take his seat for six months due to his challenger dragging his election through court. It passed through reconciliation, a once-a-term 51 vote procedure.
His secret plan for defeating ISIS? Turned out to be a plan to put 100 generals in a room for 30 days and have them come up with a plan. Oh, yes, sheer genius. How about his shutdown of government that he promised he would take full credit for? He blamed every one else, just like he always does. 3 million illegal votes in 2016? By people voting, going out and putting on a mustache or hat, and going back in and voting again? Illegals that were supposedly bused in? Sure. Try 4. Including one person convicted of voter fraud for casting a provisional ballot. But let's now talk about his efforts to interfere with mail-in ballots. More voter suppression. Gee, I live in a place that has had only mail-in-ballots for years. Yeah, let's cut costs by removing sorting machines that do in one hour the work of multiple people for a day. Let's remove polling places and voting drop-off boxes. Don't want them minorities voting against the GOP, right?
Trump's incompetent relatives given jobs in a classic display of nepotism. How's that Middle East peace thing going, Jared?
Trump blaming Obama for not developing an antidote for a virus that did not even exist until 2019. What happened to All Lives Matter? Terri Schiavo had conservatives ripping off their pearl necklaces in their rage against pulling the plug. Now, old people should be proud to sacrifice themselves for the economy. An economy that will take far more damage because of Trump's inability to handle a health crisis.
On and on and on. Sure, keep touting them there accomplishments. I'm sure his ignorant base will eat up all the lies.