If a corporation is considered a person with rights and privileges, then that corporation must also be subject to the laws and responsibilities of a person. Specifically, a false statement denying Climate Change would be covered by the federal lying statute contained in Title 18 of the U.S. Code Section 1001.
Under this statute, it is a crime to knowingly and willfully make any materially false statement concerning any judicial matter within the jurisdiction of the executive, legislative, or judicial branch of the government if that statement has the "natural tendency to influence or [is] capable of influencing the decision of the decision making body" which receives the false statement. An oral or written false statement to any federal agent does not have to be given under oath and does not need to be made in a formal setting, and the government does not have to actually be deceived or misled. There is no requirement of awareness of a government or judicial proceeding, and in fact, there need not be a proceeding.
Can a corporate person, hereafter referred to as a "corperson" or in the plural as "corpeople", give sworn testimony? Can they be subpoenaed? Can a corperson be charged with obstruction of justice or murder or bribery or incitement to rioting, and can they be imprisoned? Can an ankle monitor be put on a corperson? Does a corperson have the right to an attorney?
Does a corperson have to pay IRS the Alternative Minimum Tax? Do they have to register for the draft? Can they enter into binding contracts before the age of 18? What sex is a corperson on a birth certificate? In places where homosexuality is a crime, is it illegal for two corpeople to merge?
How does a corperson vote in an election? How are they counted in the U.S. Census? Does a foreign corperson go through customs when entering the United States? If slavery is illegal, how is a corperson owned? If a corperson has offspring, are they subject to an estate tax upon their demise? Is the transfer of assets by a corperson subject to a gift tax?
Free speech for corpeople? Sure. Just don't forget all of the other things that go along with being a person.
Businesspersons Beware: Lying is a Crime
ExxonMobil Claims Constitutional Rights to Avoid Revealing Climate Science Cover-up
Under this statute, it is a crime to knowingly and willfully make any materially false statement concerning any judicial matter within the jurisdiction of the executive, legislative, or judicial branch of the government if that statement has the "natural tendency to influence or [is] capable of influencing the decision of the decision making body" which receives the false statement. An oral or written false statement to any federal agent does not have to be given under oath and does not need to be made in a formal setting, and the government does not have to actually be deceived or misled. There is no requirement of awareness of a government or judicial proceeding, and in fact, there need not be a proceeding.
Can a corporate person, hereafter referred to as a "corperson" or in the plural as "corpeople", give sworn testimony? Can they be subpoenaed? Can a corperson be charged with obstruction of justice or murder or bribery or incitement to rioting, and can they be imprisoned? Can an ankle monitor be put on a corperson? Does a corperson have the right to an attorney?
Does a corperson have to pay IRS the Alternative Minimum Tax? Do they have to register for the draft? Can they enter into binding contracts before the age of 18? What sex is a corperson on a birth certificate? In places where homosexuality is a crime, is it illegal for two corpeople to merge?
How does a corperson vote in an election? How are they counted in the U.S. Census? Does a foreign corperson go through customs when entering the United States? If slavery is illegal, how is a corperson owned? If a corperson has offspring, are they subject to an estate tax upon their demise? Is the transfer of assets by a corperson subject to a gift tax?
Free speech for corpeople? Sure. Just don't forget all of the other things that go along with being a person.
Businesspersons Beware: Lying is a Crime
ExxonMobil Claims Constitutional Rights to Avoid Revealing Climate Science Cover-up