Tuesday, October 3, 2017

The Purpose of the Second Amendment

When people say gun ownership is their second amendment right, they mean the truncated version that the NRA has as its motto. Are they a member of their state's well-regulated militia? Do they keep and bear arms belonging to that militia? There is nothing about ownership in the second amendment. They can take their 50-bullet magazines and their machine guns and AK-47s and their no-background-checks and their no-training-required bull and get the hell out of this country. We are f*cking fed up.

The Second Amendment was about State militias in the 1790s, and the fear of the anti-federalists of a federal army. Even Scalia said that the Second Amendment only protects arms that would be used in a militia. The Second Amendment has no relevance today, and those who think otherwise have managed to turn this country into a slaughterhouse.

Tell me, were the victims in Las Vegas supposed to be armed so they could return fire to where ever they thought the bullets were coming from? Were the 6- and 7-year olds in Sandy Hook supposed to be armed? Is somebody in a movie theater supposed to let the bullets fly when the moron behind them shoots them in the back? Should parents be armed for when their kids find their guns and accidentally kill friends? Why do Second Amendment people think that schizophrenics should be allowed to have arms?

Open your eyes. Learn history. Don't try to justify mass shootings as the price of "freedom." Freedom to die? The new definition of freedom as defined by radical conservatives? Freedom from responsibility, accountability, oversight, ethics, regulations that are supposed to protect us, and even freedom from healthcare for us idiots who don't think greed is a virtue.

You want to be patriotic? It ain't flying a flag and yelling "Love it or leave it!" Patriotism is making your country better. It's helping the poor, the sick, children, the elderly, veterans and your neighbors whatever color or gender they are. It's protecting our soil, our water, and our air from pollution. It's not waving guns and saying you love your country. It's showing you love your country. It sure ain't wearing a flag pin and telling the latest shooting victims "Our thoughts are with you" while collecting money from the NRA and voting down any reasonable gun safety laws.

Overcoming Delusions About the Second Amendment

Move-On facebook post, "Republican lawmakers only offer ‘thoughts and prayers’" video