Trump did not understand his oath of office and he does not understand the Constitution. Republican Senator Ben Sasse is just the latest one to question Trump's actions without questioning Trump's competence or sanity. Trump does not live in the real world, and he proves it daily.
In Trump's mind if a news organization is not praising him then it must be fake news. If people are not telling him what a wonderful job he is doing, then they must be morons who don't understand him or they must only be against him because of politics. He is a delusional, immature idiot who is unaware of his lack of understanding. He really believes he is smarter than everyone else and will discredit anything that challenges that view of himself.
He tosses off phrases he thinks prove that he's smart. "The calm before the storm." What storm? "You'll see." He is "putting the finishing touches" on a health care bill that will cover everybody and be cheaper. He is for the Israeli/Palestinian plan that both sides like.
Trump imagines praise and accomplishments that don't exist. Enemies of his "are saying it was the greatest speech ever made on foreign soil by a president." The head of the Boy Scouts says that "it was the greatest speech that was ever made to them." He thinks he is doing a wonderful job in the aftermath of the hurricanes, a disaster response that will be studied for years and will be used as a model for how to handle disasters.
Sure, Senator. Trump is recanting his oath. That explains everything.
Republican Senator Asks If Trump Is Recanting His Oath Of Office
In Trump's mind if a news organization is not praising him then it must be fake news. If people are not telling him what a wonderful job he is doing, then they must be morons who don't understand him or they must only be against him because of politics. He is a delusional, immature idiot who is unaware of his lack of understanding. He really believes he is smarter than everyone else and will discredit anything that challenges that view of himself.
He tosses off phrases he thinks prove that he's smart. "The calm before the storm." What storm? "You'll see." He is "putting the finishing touches" on a health care bill that will cover everybody and be cheaper. He is for the Israeli/Palestinian plan that both sides like.
Trump imagines praise and accomplishments that don't exist. Enemies of his "are saying it was the greatest speech ever made on foreign soil by a president." The head of the Boy Scouts says that "it was the greatest speech that was ever made to them." He thinks he is doing a wonderful job in the aftermath of the hurricanes, a disaster response that will be studied for years and will be used as a model for how to handle disasters.
Sure, Senator. Trump is recanting his oath. That explains everything.
Republican Senator Asks If Trump Is Recanting His Oath Of Office