Monday, August 13, 2018

Presidential Fault Lines

A list of just a few of Trump's accomplishments, goals, and
ideas for the first 18 months of his four-year presidency.
  • Healthcare that covers everyone with sheets.
  • Throwing out the Iran deal without a better one.
  • Picking anti-department heads to run departments.
  • Withdrawing the U.S from the Paris Climate Accord, joining Syria and Nicaragua as the only countries not signatories to it.
  • Claiming that other countries don't pay their share for membership in NATO, confusing NATO required payments with voluntary defense spending by other countries as compared to our massive military defense spending.
  • 50% tax breaks for corporations while saying we don't have enough money for social programs.
  • Denying Russian interference and denigrating all of our intelligence agencies.
  • Claiming the Russia investigation is a Witch Hunt and that there is nothing to find, ignoring that at least 30 people have been charged with crimes.
  • Firing FBI Director Comey for not stopping the Russia investigation.
  • Nominating unqualified people for seats on SCOTUS, and filling federal judicial offices with unqualified conservative radicals.
  • Moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem.
  • Not knowing and understanding the Constitution and the National Anthem and how to spell, while telling us he has the greatest memory and is the smartest person ever.
  • Admiring racists and Nazis and despots.
  • Threatening to start a war with Venezuela and to nuke North Korea into oblivion.
  • Making friends with Kim Jong-un, North Korea's leader.
  • Asking for a build-up of our nuclear weapons.
  • Advocating a Space Force.
  • Asking for military parades with tanks and missiles.
  • Initiating a policy to forcefully separate children from parents at the border, often without information and tracking so that families could be reunited, and sometimes deporting parents without returning their children to them first.
  • Starting a trade war with Canada and others, with negative impacts on workers, companies, farmers, consumers.
  • On the phone insulting and yelling at other heads-of-state.
  • Not understanding the Executive Orders that he signs (when he remembers to sign them).
  • Giving intelligence information (boasting) to the Russians visiting the White House (unplanned declassifications of secrets).
  • Giving himself a 10 for his non-response to Puerto Rico's hurricane catastrophe.
  • Nepotism.
  • Profiting from his Presidency.
  • Campaign rallies up to five days a week and golfing on weekends while telling people he's working hard.
  • Calling journalists Enemies of the People and calling any criticism Fake News, except for the state propaganda machine that is Fox News.
  • Calling kneeling before the flag treason rather than peaceful protests.
  • Calling his opponents crooks and liars and puppets and advocating locking them up.
  • Public displays of rudeness and bullying and hostility and indifference, even to Gold Star families.
  • Spreading conspiracy theories and fake news on Twitter, with his Twitter rants to be considered as official White House correspondence.
  • Thinking that Frederick Douglass is alive.
  • Thinking that health insurance works like life insurance; by the time you reach age 70, you have a great plan (for $12 a year).
  • Denying events and quotes that are taped or recorded.
  • Making up facts and figures.

This is just off the top of my head. I'm sorry it is not more comprehensive.