Monday, August 5, 2019

How Does That Kool-aid Taste?

A response to the Facebook posting of the following image:

  Does this mean you believe the 10,000+ lies of Our Glorious Leader? How's that new covers-everyone, cheaper, better, health care plan working for you? You know, the one Trump said that you pay $12 a year for, and by the time you are 70 you have a nice plan?
  Enjoying the trade war that consumers are footing the bill for (not the Chinese, just us)? Do you think that the cost of tariffs is not passed on in the form of higher prices?

  Are you cheering on the Racist-In-Chief as he goads his white nationalist base to attack minorities?
  Do you still think the 30+ indictments and guilty pleas resulting from the Mueller investigation are a nothing burger and a Witch Hunt? How many charges resulted from the numerous Congressional investigations into Benghazi and Hillary's private e-mail server? None? Is that why Hillary is not locked up?
  How many of Trump's top campaign officials were charged with crimes? All of them?
  Do you think that the fact that Trump's golfing trips total more than three times the whole cost of the Mueller investigation is meaningless?
  Or that Trump profiting from foreign nationals staying at his properties is not a violation of the emoluments clause?
  Remind me of the scandals that occurred involving the Obamas?

  Do you still believe the lie that Democrats want to take all guns away? Or that Social Security is the biggest federal expense (even though it is by law separate from the national budget and has its own revenue stream)? Are you okay with Medicare being banned from negotiating drug prices, the result of which is Medicare and seniors being forced to pay whatever the drug companies want to charge?
  Are you okay with gerrymandering being legal and political parties getting a 2/3 majority in state legislatures with less than 50% of the vote?
  Unlimited campaign spending and the ability of foreign governments to invisibly contribute to campaigns?

  What is it going to take for you to see what a disaster Trump's administration is? More mass murders? More outrageous lies? Prevention of election security measures? More consumer protections being stripped away? Rivers once again catching on fire? The continuation of the denigration of poor and working-class and disabled and LGBTQIA Americans? More racist tweets about minority members of Congress? More ignoring of and failures to enforce the Bill of Rights? More dead and injured journalists? More insults and accusations using official White House correspondence (as the President's tweets have been declared to be)? More insults to allies and praise for dictators? More calling out "Fake News" whenever unfavorable stories about the president are aired? More deaths and human rights violations in Trump's concentration camps? What is it going to finally take?

  How does that kool-aid taste?

All Americans have a constitutional right to criticize President Donald Trump