Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Collin Peterson, Our House Rep In Congress, Wants To Trash Social Security

Ignorance is bliss. Cutting SocSec benefits or raising retirement ages will have absolutely no effect on federal deficits or the National Debt. SocSec is self-funded through payroll taxes and not general revenues; it is separate by law. The Trust Fund contains almost $3 trillion for one reason only - baby boomer retirements.

There are two reasons why Republicans want to get rid of Social Security. The first is that the financial sector wants to profit off of our retirements. The second is that companies think that the portion of payroll taxes that they are billed for is not our money, but theirs.

First, we don't need the financial sector sucking up 20% of the funds for profits. We don't need our retirements subject to stock market crashes, brokers churning accounts to earn commissions, or financial advisors and business managers stealing funds or investing them with Bernie Madoff. SocSec is RETIREMENT, SURVIVORS, and DISABILITY insurance. It is not a savings plan. Republicans don't like Social Security because they don't make a profit on it. Boo Hoo.

Second, the 1/2 of payroll taxes that corporations are responsible for paying are PART OF OUR WAGES! It's set up the way it is so that workers paying after-tax dollars on payroll taxes are not stuck paying taxes on the full amount of payroll taxes. That big windfall corporations are looking for by cutting payroll taxes is just them stealing from workers. It's not their money. It's our retirement insurance. Got it?

The only effect that cutting benefits or raising retirement ages has is to change the date that the Trust Fund zeros out. That's it. Surpluses and deficits go into or come out of the Trust Fund. NOT GENERAL REVENUES. SocSec can pay 100% of benefits until 2033, and only 80% for the 75-year solvency target of 2095. Why not 100% through 2095? Because Republicans have been blocking routine adjustments to payroll taxes and salary caps for DECADES. It's a manufactured crisis, and they are crying, "Reform!" And because the GOP is hell-bent on making a profit, they are trying to get rid of SocSec. It's against their ideology. Got it??

Social Security is the most successful government and anti-poverty program ever. And you just signed a letter of intent to screw it up. Are you ignorant, stupid, out of touch with reality, a closet-Republican, or just someone who is hell-bent on sending seniors and the disabled back into poverty and lowering their consumer spending? Trying to bring back poorhouses? Look it up. You are supposed to represent our interests. Look it up. What you are doing is insane.

Why don't you tell me how it is that defunding Social Security is going to help us? You signed onto the biggest corporate giveaway ever, and your solution is to pretend to care about deficits and debt by targeting a program that has absolutely nothing to do with deficits and debts? Justify why you sided with Republicans when you agreed to their rules at the beginning of a congressional session which called for REFORMING Social Security?

Do the rich not like contributing their maximum of $15,000 in payroll taxes when they take home a million dollars in income? Do you enjoy helping the GOP year after year after year with strangling Social Security? Do you think the 1/2 of payroll taxes that they pay is not part of OUR WAGES? Do you routinely lie about Social Security going broke, going in the red, that you are just saving our retirements and disabilities? Do you get a tingle when you lie to us about how trashing our security is going to make up for the trillion-dollar corporate giveaway when it's not even part of the budget? Oh, but lumping it in with the budget figures with all those surpluses sure made your budgets look better, didn't it? Biggest federal expense? No. It's not an expense at all because it's not part of the federal budget. Got it???

No new taxes? How about old ones? Please tell me how screwing workers, retirees, the disabled, the poor, and the sick are going to save your butts because of years of increasing corporate welfare? How about paying poverty wages so workers need government assistance? Is that not corporate welfare also? Are you trying to tell us that you and the GOP are fiscal conservatives? Tell me another joke. Justify this. I dare you.