Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Difference between Democrats and Republicans

Pro or con Trump is more whether someone is Republican or Democrat and how many lies they believe. The Dems are not the tax and spend party, they are not socialists (they are capitalists with socialism only where needed), and they think abortion is a last resort. Democrats don't want a for-profit insurance person between them and their doctor nor do they want government in their bedrooms or in their pants.

The 4000 terrorists were stopped at airports, 0 stopped at the southern border. Immigrants have lower crime rates. Dictators are not our allies and should not be praised by our president. Social Security is self-funded and is not part of the federal budget or the National Debt and is not going broke. Sure, if you say something often enough, then people will believe it; that doesn't make it true.

Climate Change is not some Chinese conspiracy. Weather is not the same thing as climate (you cannot look out the window and see snow and declare that Global Warming does not exist, not unless you are an idiot). 99.9+% of climatologists agree that there is Climate Change. Even the military agrees. Syria is the only other non-signatory to the Paris Climate Accord.

Over 30 indictments and convictions do not a Witch Hunt make, especially when that includes all of Trump's top campaign officials and many Russians. Hillary's emails and Benghazi have nothing to do with any wrongdoing by others; how many convictions after how many investigations for just those two events? (Hint: Zero.) Give it up already. Hillary Clinton is not a government employee nor is she running for election. Hillary is not a Get Out Of Responsibility card. Stop it with the "But those emails..." Even if she had been convicted of crimes, that does not excuse other abuses. And enough with the false equivalences.

The Republicans have proven over and over that they are not fiscally conservative. The GOP thinks it is the Party Of God (POG). That a family is a mother and a father and their children; anything else is anathema. Look at politicians and tell me that they are the guardians and exemplars of morality.

Republicans have this delusion that health care should only be for people with lots of money (sorry we didn't all get manager or owner or CEO positions). They also believe that corporations have the same rights as people instead of just the economic rights companies used to have. Free markets are not necessarily fair. The Free Market is not inherently moral, and an absence of regulations only works with small groups where everyone has 100% information. The protection of our air, water, soil, workers, and consumers does not fit into a for-profit regulation-free model in our society of 300+ million people.

The White Supremacists have found their home in the GOP. Women, minorities, the disabled, the sick, the elderly, LGBTQIA (sexuality is not binary; it involves more than one gene), the poor, and people of other faiths are not second-class citizens no matter how much or how little money they may have.

The 2012 election decided that Obama would be the one to choose a Supreme Court justice during his term, not the future 2016 election. Don't bother denying that the nomination and confirmation of a Supreme Court justice were stolen. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell even vowed to continue the block through four years of a Hillary Clinton presidency. SCOTUS confirmations used to require 60 votes (to avoid radical or unqualified jurists in the highest court in the country), but the GOP changed that to 51 so that they could put whoever they wanted on the Supreme Court.

Fox News is not and cannot be the only mainstream media to get the story right while each and every other news organization is supposedly biased and wrong. From what I have seen, Fox News is a propaganda organization and its journalists are not real reporters (they are editorialists). Fox News viewers consistently rate as the least informed.

You cannot drastically cut corporate taxes and taxes on the wealthy and then claim that "entitlements" are the reason for deficits. As for job creation, it is not the wealthy who create jobs, and jobs are not created out of thin air. Companies create jobs because someone has the money in their pockets to buy the things that they sell. Without middle-class consumers to buy the products and services of businesses, there would be few new jobs created. Trickle-down economics has been proven false over and over.

Workers need health care that does not depend on single-employer full-time jobs at large corporations. Almost all other western industrialized nations have universal health care with a combined population greater than the US. Our health care is third-world when it comes to affordability; expensive healthcare limits availability. Expensive healthcare is also the leading cause of bankruptcies. Try having a heart attack while you are living paycheck to paycheck and are working two or three part-time jobs without benefits.

Nobody is threatening to take away guns other than outlawing weapons of mass murder and fixing background checks. The Second Amendment has a conditional clause in it. That is why there are so many gun laws in this country. One drunk untrained person does not constitute a militia. You want a militia? Try any state's National Guard.

I don't object to guns that are handled safely by trained, responsible people. That does not mean I want to be one of 50 casualties by one person with essentially a machine gun, and it certainly does not mean that I want to be accidentally shot by a teacher or to be shot in the back in a theatre by an idiot behind me.

We are not a Christian Nation. Our Founding Fathers had enough of the abuses of the Church of England, and they had differing religious backgrounds. That is why the First Amendment includes the words, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof" to ensure the separation of Church and State. There is both an “establishment clause” and a “free exercise clause.” The first is to keep religion out of government and the second is to protect our individual religious beliefs and practices.

Trump is not the world's foremost authority (self-professed) on borders, campaign contributions, courts, debt, drones, Facebook, infrastructure, the political left, money, Osama Bin Laden, politicians, renewables, taxes, technology, and trade. He has not done more than any president in history in his first two years; that is just one of the 8000 plus lies by him. George Washington oversaw the enactment of the Bill of Rights; Trump has done his best to violate each of the amendments in the Bill of Rights. And there were not 3 million illegal votes in the 2016 election. In-person voter fraud is very rare. Voter suppression by the GOP, though, is alive and well.

If you read transcripts of Trump's interviews, it is blindingly clear that he is an idiot. Here are excerpts from just one interview on 7/19/2017:

  •  "So pre-existing conditions are a tough deal. Because you are basically saying from the moment the insurance, you’re 21 years old, you start working and you’re paying $12 a year for insurance, and by the time you’re 70, you get a nice plan."
  •  "So I go to Poland and make a speech. Enemies of mine in the media, enemies of mine are saying it was the greatest speech ever made on foreign soil by a president."
  •  "...the Bastille Day parade was — now that was a super-duper — O.K. I mean, that was very much more than normal...You know, it was two hours, and the parade ended. It didn’t go a whole day. They didn’t go crazy. You don’t want to leave, but you have to. Or you want to leave, really."
  •  On dinner with Vladimir Putin, "...everybody walked in to see the opera. Then the opera ended. Then we walked into a big room where they had dinner...quite a few people. I would say you have 20 times two, so you had 40, and then you probably had another 10 or 15 had some others also."
Yes, I am a Democrat. I love my country, but I don't think it is perfect; just because I protest injustice does not mean I am a communist or anarchist. I don't hold a religion or a deity up as a shield or as justification for hatred. Republican radical conservative self-righteousness and ignorance should not be a part of our society.